Taste-of-Rowing with Stockton Rowing Club | Visit Stockton
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Taste-of-Rowing with Stockton Rowing Club

Admission: $25

Location: Stockton Rowing Club Boathouse

4950 Buckley Cove Way

Stockton, CA 95219

Time: 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM

Contact: Janeen Sonnad
Email: learntorow@stocktonrowing.org
Phone: (209) 815-5571

Mapped location of Taste-of-Rowing with Stockton Rowing Club

Taste-of-Rowing with Stockton Rowing Club

This one day event is led by US Rowing Level 2 Coaches. You will learn about different rowing equipment and vocabulary. You will be introduced to the basics of the rowing stroke on an ergometer, or erg, and have a brief experience in an eight rowing shell on the water.